Come Home to Nature and Yourself

Co-Creative Partnership with Nature

Self directed Course in two parts


Do you want to know who you are, what gifts you have to offer and what your earth walk is all about?

Let's join together for an online experience of love, life and healing while coming home to oneself and our greater family of Nature. Healing into life with plants, trees, elements, nature spirits and self.

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I am so excited to bring this learning opportunity to you via an online venue. This exploration has been in the making for four+ decades starting from the early 1970s when I joined the back-to-the-land movement. In 1997 my first book entitled Partner Earth; A Spiritual Ecology, Restoring Our Sacred Relationship with Nature was published. Since then I have been on a mission to bring co-creative partnership with Nature to the wider world.
— Pam Montgomery

Since I was a small child I have sensed the aliveness in all that is of Earth and have pursued a deeper understanding of this Earth sentience throughout my life. There have been significant moments and people who have fed my passion for being in a co-creative partnership with Nature not the least of whom is my maternal Grandmother. She instilled in me the simple pleasure of being in true relationship with all the Nature around me especially the plants and trees and at the center of this relationship was communication. My Granny talked to her plants and felt this was the key to their verdant growth. Years later as I became an herbalist I was shocked to find out that other herbalists thought talking to plants was “airy fairy” which is how they labeled me. Instead of putting me off this gave me a sense of purpose: I was determined to learn and experience all I could about plant communication and plant consciousness. Over the years this extended to Nature Consciousness and as a result I founded the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries which is dedicated to being in co-creative partnership with all of Nature.

Co-creative partnership is just as the words indicate; being an equal partner where the members create together to bring about balanced manifestation. This conscious act of partnering with Nature brings about a union of form and spirit where all life can thrive. Co-creative partnership is not a technique but a way of life that we all carry within us. Embedded in our cells is the memory of a time when we lived close to Earth. During this time we wouldn’t dream of doing harm to that which is the source of our sustenance. But a deep amnesia has taken over and we have forgotten how to live in co-creative partnership with Earth and all her beings. The separation from Nature that this amnesia has created is resulting in some very big challenging, changing times. It is imperative that we remember who we truly are and embrace our essence which is that of being a part of Nature.

As you embark upon this journey of co-creative partnership you will begin to wake up and remember what it’s like to live in harmony with Earth and all her beings. A deep sense of well being will settle into your bones as you experience coming home to yourself and your true Mother, beautiful Lady Gaia.

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The basic tenets of co-creative partnership:

Effective communication

Trust which includes microscopic honesty

Self-love at a core level

Joyful encounter through playful partnering

Healing separation from Nature

Internal/External Time

We will explore these in various ways throughout the course with an emphasis on plants and trees. Being the plant person that I am I tend to gravitate toward working mostly with the green beings. But it is more than my personal preference since plants are the easiest access for us to the natural world because we are so symbiotically and deeply related. The plants are our kin and we experience this familial bond when we deeply engage.

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NOW is the time to seek answers to the questions who am I and what am I doing here.
NOW is the time to bring forward your inherent gifts.
NOW is the time to live within a balanced spiritual ecology.
NOW is the time to restore your sacred relationship with Nature.
NOW is the time to tell a new story and shift into a new paradigm
If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.
— Lao Tzu
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Co-Creative Partnership with Nature

This course is self-directed and is in two parts. You can join at any time and move at your own pace. 

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Interbeing is the understanding that nothing exists separately from anything else. We are interconnected.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Course Structure

Each module will be four to five hours of content depending on the number of topics. The independent explorations (homework), which are the heart of the course, are a way for you to put into practice the lesson you have received and can take as much time as you want to put into them. The modules will be a mix of pre-recorded video demonstrations, audio files, speaking videos and supporting written material along with additional resources. There are several lessons in each module and to thoroughly complete the independent explorations you will need this much time. You will have forever access so that you can revisit modules as much as you like.

You can work on this course as your time allows but it is strongly recommended to be consistent by setting aside time each week to complete a lesson within the module. My experience over the years of working with students in many different settings is that consistency is extremely valuable. It brings a level of commitment that is empowering and it keeps you in the flow. The more you practice the exercises the better you get and the practices no longer are work but instead fun. It is important to enter this journey with an open heart, receptive mind and a spirit of wonder.

This is not a plant course even though each module has a plant or tree we work with which serves as an example to accomplish some of the lessons presented. You may not have a particular plant or tree that I suggest growing in your area. In that case, find the appropriate plant or tree that carries the same gifts as the one I'm suggesting.

Part One - The Foundations of Co-Creative Partnership with Nature

Module One : Foundations of Spiritual Ecology

  • Spiritual Ecology

  • Creating an Altar

  • Seven Directions

  • Elements

  • Shamanic Journeying

  • Sit Spots

  • Prayer Tree

  • Plant: Maple Tree

Module Two : Co-Creative Partnership

  • Co-creative tenets of:

    • healing separation

    • trust

    • playful partnering

    • self-love

    • internal time

  • Mapping the Nature / Human Matrix

  • Heart Coherence

  • Reciprocity

  • Plant : Rose 

Module Three : Plant Communication

  • Symbiotic Relationship

  • Tools for Communication

  • Light and Sound

  • Sensory Awareness

  • Felt Sensation

  • Being in the Daydream

  • Kinesiology and pendulum

  • Plant : St. Johns Wort

Module Four : Keeping Your Energy Body Clear and Clean 

  • Feathering, smudging

  • Stone sweeping

  • Static energy

  • Plant Spirit Bathing

  • Protection

  • Mugwort Clearing Treatment

  • Plant : Mugwort

Part Two - The Practice of Co-Creative Partnership with Nature

Module Five : Energy Anatomy and Healing

Energy Anatomy

    • chakras, the energy organs

    • meridians, rivers of light

    • points as portals

    • Left/right side

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Chakra Clearing

  • Vertical Alignment

  • Making Plant Essences

  • Plant : Cedar Tree

Module Six : Awareness of True Essential Nature

  • Spiritual Malnourishment

  • Soul Contracts

  • Personal Symbol

  • Building Personal Power

    • fire vigil

    • night walking

    • vision journey

  • Plant : Sacred Basil/Tulsi

Module Seven : Managing the Forces

  • The Original Trinity

  • Nature Spirits

  • Shamanic Seeing/Sensing

  • Earth Healing

  • Labyrinth and Spiral Circuits

  • Divination

  • Plant: Ash Tree

Module Eight : Raising Consciousness

  • Greenbreath Session

  • Adaptation

    • Adaptogens

    • Stress Response

  • Remembering who we are

  • Creating Ceremony

  • Plants: Rosemary, Rhodiola and Cannabis (CBD)

Benefits of a Self-Directed Course

  • You can join the course at any time throughout the year - when you are ready and have the time
  • You move at your own pace - as fast or as slow as you like.
  • You receive all of the course material at once - you don't have to wait to receive course material.
  • You have lifetime access to the course material - you can return again and again.
  • This is the same material as the eight month mentorship program, but it is divided into two parts - you choose Part One or Two depending on your interest.
  • You have access to the bonus material - other teachers sharing their wisdom.
  • The cost of the course is less than the eight month mentorship program - you can spread out the two parts so that the finances feel easily doable.
  • Within the Mighty Networks course platform you have access to other students - you are part of a community of folks sharing a similar interest in the course material whom you can chat with, share ideas, and interact.

Enrollment Details


Part One - four modules $350

Part Two - four modules $350

UPGRADE: If you decide you would like to do the entire eight month mentorship program you can upgrade by applying the cost of this course to the full course fee. You will then move to that course which begins in May and receive the many benefits of the full mentorship.

MENTORING: If you feel you need individual attention from Pam you can set-up a mentoring session at a reduced rate of $75 per session.


Ready to Join me in Co-Creative Partnership with Nature?

You Get Instant Access to:

Module One : Foundations of Spiritual Ecology

Module Two : Co-Creative Partnership

Module Three : Plant Communication

Module Four : Keeping Your Energy Body Clear and Clean

You Get Instant Access to:

Module Five : Energy Anatomy and Healing

Module Six: Awareness of True Essential Nature

Module Seven: Managing the Forces

Module Eight : Raising Consciousness

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“We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be.”

-Native American Proverb

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