


Thank you for your interest in this beautiful home of ours, Lady Gaia. I have delighted in being with and a part of Nature my whole life with a particular love for plants and trees.  So it is only natural that my work in the world would be with Earth and all her beings both seen and unseen.

It is such a pleasure to offer the Co-Creative Partnership with Nature online course which is a result of my years of deep encounter with the natural world. This course begins once a year in the spring and follows the seasons into winter. I also offer Plant Initiations which is in-depth work with one plant over a three day period. This year the plant initiations will be in-person at my home, Sweetwater Sanctuary, in Vermont. I am available for one on one mentorship and have a couple of books for those of you who want to cozy up with the written word and a warm cup of tea. Please follow the links below to learn about my offerings.

Many Bright Blessings,

“Inspiring to both novice and advanced practitioners, one emerges with deep respect and gratitude for all of nature, and a heightened awareness of our role as co-creative partners.”

– Marilyn Baird


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