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Humans Taking Up Our Place within the Original Trinity

By Pam Montgomery

I have observed in my life that many things come in threes and that when something crosses your path for the third time it is like a message from the ethers attempting to get your attention. The message is, ‘wake-up, there’s something here for you”. There are so many threefold relational associations. In the natural […]

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When the Student is Ready the Teacher Appears      

By Pam Montgomery

Ah spring, thank you for your return bringing your multiple shades of green. Have you noticed green? Let me count the ways – lime green, soft pale green, bright neon green, yellow-green, dark evergreen, lush green, shiny green, the vertical greening of a mountain, take-your-breath-away green of stream-side moss and now as early summer emerges […]

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Can Plants Save the World?

By Pam Montgomery

Many of you know that I have a particular biased view of plants and their magnanimous nature. This view comes mostly from years (my entire adult life) of being with plants in the wild, in the garden, through cooking and making herbal preparations and working with them both on the physical and non-physical plane in […]

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Exploring Inner Landscapes

By Pam Montgomery

The next three weeks are the darkest time of the year when the days grow shorter and the nights longer. Ideally we take this time of year to “be” more and “do” less. Personally, I take this time to explore my inner landscape. I start my day very slowly and quietly perhaps with only a […]

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The Holy Act of Planting a Garden

By Pam Montgomery

This past month is the time of year when a certain type of anticipation takes hold of me – it’s garden time. I have been a gardener my entire adult life and I still have the same joy, grief, sore muscles and utmost reverence for the gift of planting seeds in the soil of this […]

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pam in madrone

 Hi, I'm Pam.

I am an Earth elder who loves to write. Like all writers I have my dry spells and then my rainy season. So it may be that you won't hear from me for a while and then suddenly I can't turn the faucet off.

I have a vision of writing a book called Light on Water  which will be reflections on nature intermingled with love, life and loss. Some of these pieces here have inspired me to consider a compilation of nature writings.

Because I have passionately embraced my role as a spokesperson for the green beings I want to bring more pieces to you about my love affair with plants.

For me, writing about what I love is like a homecoming and a journey worth taking. Thank you for joining me on this adventure.


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